“Ego, which manifests itself grossly, penetrates the personality in a subtle form and permeates it totally. It is the greatest enemy in the practice of yoga. Hence the sadhaka [practitioner] should take care not to be caught in such a web and should cultivate humility. Whatever attainments have been gained should be considered as having been bestowed by the grace of God…. This is humbleness.” Geeta Iyengar, Yoga: A Gem For Women, p.74.
“In all fields creativity means forgetfulness of the ‘I’ consciousness. The musician can bring forth delicate and subtly divine sounds only by forgetting himself. The poet, too, distills the quintessence of language, and the artist presents the wondrous world of line and color only by transcending the self. The yogi, too, is creative within himself, and the experience of this new creation touches a state where neither time, cause, nor effect touch him.” BKS Iyengar, Iyengar: His Life and Work, p. 502
I don’t think there is much to add to these quotes, the Iyengars are much more eloquent than I.
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