Was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar (1918 – 2014). World renown yoga master who wrote Light on Yoga and is credited with popularizing modern yoga.
Iyengar yoga is distinguished by:
– quality teacher training and Certified Teachers
– mindfulness: connecting body, mind, intellect, breath and inner self
– instructions that are precise and often tailored to the individual student
– props that assist students when necessary to understand poses without strain
Iyengar yoga has its roots in Astanga yoga as described in the ancient text, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
– Astanga means eight limbs: practices that one undertakes to develop peace of mind and conscious living.
–it requires discipline with a practice of poses (asanas) to develop strength and flexibility, focus and concentration.
– it also includes pranayama (the art of lengthening and restraining your breath) and meditation.
More information about Yoga or the Benefits of practicing yoga.