Experienced Beginners
It is important to practice between classes, especially if you want to progress. Don’t worry about doing the asanas ‘correctly’ or ‘incorrectly’, learning is the reason you practice and eventually you will begin to be able to discern what what deepens the pose and what doesn’t. If you have special issues, or your teacher has given you a particular variation of a pose or a prop, then you should remember that and do it in your practice.
You may be able to remember some of the instructions you were given in class, if so then you can work on those. If not then you can try out the shape of the pose, and begin to understand how you feel in the pose, and how small changes in what you are doing effects how you feel. Remember to keep your legs straight with knee caps pulled up when applicable, your chest open, your head on your shoulders and to keep breathing. Repeating a pose more than once helps you understand it.